How to Improve Your Leadership Skills
Category : Leadership
How to Improve Your Leadership Skills Do you think that great leaders are born, not made? Think again! Although it’s true that many of the skills of leadership come naturally to some people, anyone can improve their leadership skills with a little practice and effort. In this article, you’ll find out how to improve your leadership skills from the top down and from the bottom up so that you’re well on your way to becoming the leader you want to be—and making everyone around you better in the process.
Start with yourself
The first step to becoming a great leader is ensuring that you are a great leader of yourself. If you do not have any self-control, or if you let your emotions and anxiety get out of control, then you will be a terrible leader of others. Spend some time thinking about your personal characteristics and work on making yourself into a better person first. After all, if you don’t have anything nice to say about anyone, why would anyone want to follow your lead?
Analyze Yourself
If you want to become a better leader, it’s important that you first analyze your current leadership style. Think about some of your team members who work for you (or even teammates you’ve had on sports teams or in other organizations) and consider how well they followed your instructions. What could you have done differently? How can you improve? These are all questions worth asking as part of self-evaluation. You don’t need someone else’s input; as long as there is honesty with yourself, improvement will follow. Once you know where your weak spots are, start working on improving them—even if just by a little bit each day.
Maintain Balance Between Work and Leisure
Being a leader is more than just working hard; it’s also about setting an example for your team by being well-rounded and having interests outside of work. No one likes a micromanager, so take some time to read, relax, or pursue activities that you enjoy. You can even ask your employees for suggestions on how you can improve your leadership skills. Keep in mind that having balance doesn’t mean not working hard—it means making sure that work isn’t all there is to your life. If you spend too much time at work and don’t give yourself enough downtime, burnout is inevitable; but if you take care of yourself and establish healthy boundaries between leisure and labor, everyone will benefit.
Gain Professional Experience
Having professional experience is one of the best ways to improve your leadership skills. A recent study by The Center for Creative Leadership found that those with five years or less of management experience were three times more likely than their counterparts who had worked in management roles for more than 10 years to say they do not feel ready to lead (55% vs. 19%). Similarly, 70% of those surveyed said they would invest in developing leaders at lower levels if it meant retaining top talent; 59% said junior employees are better suited for growing into leadership roles. Combine these figures with research from Gallup showing that millennials have a higher interest rate in becoming CEO compared with other generations, and you can see why gaining professional experience as early as possible is crucial for anyone hoping to enter a leadership role.
Get Mentors
Whether you want to improve your leadership skills or even become a leader, it’s crucial that you surround yourself with people who can help shape and mold you into a better professional. Talk with friends, family members and coworkers about someone they admire and why. Then approach that person to see if they’re willing to be a mentor. The best part? Mentoring doesn’t have to be time-consuming: You can share 10 minutes every few weeks about what’s going on in your life and get feedback for whatever is concerning you at the moment. As long as you’re making time for mentorship, it should help not only with leadership skills but also with self-improvement in general!
Ask Questions
The first step in improving your leadership skills is asking questions. And not just any questions—thoughtful ones that prompt you to explore your true motivations, goals, and interests. When it comes to self-improvement, there’s nothing more important than understanding yourself, which means identifying what you want out of life. If you don’t know where you want to be in five years, now’s a good time to figure it out; if you have an idea but aren’t sure how to get there (or why), ask questions like: How would I know when I am successful? What are my strengths? What motivates me? Does leadership appeal or intimidate me?
Believe in Yourself and Others Will Follow
The business world today is competitive and demanding. Leaders are constantly being called upon to do more with less. To excel, you must become an inspirational leader who can motivate your employees by encouraging them, teaching them and believing in them. This doesn’t happen overnight; it takes time, effort and patience. The first step toward becoming a better leader is learning how to improve yourself first. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes—you won’t get better without trying new things and making mistakes along the way!
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